Team Umizoomi Headcanon and Fanon Wiki
Tag: Visual edit
Tag: Visual edit
Line 340: Line 340:
Cause I wanna haunt you, I wanna haunt you, I really, really, really, really, really, really want to
Cause I wanna haunt you, I wanna haunt you, I really, really, really, really, really, really want to
I really really really want to make you scared

Revision as of 18:56, 9 June 2019


After seeing the "ghost" that's haunting them, Geo and Bot try to escape the madness with Milli in hot pursuit.

Intro: Haunted Hallways

(The story continues from the last episode where Milli's chasing Bot and Geo in the hallway.)

Bot: Geo, quick! We'll be safe over here!

Milli: Not for long!

(The chase continues Scooby-Doo style in a hallway full of doors. Eventually, the boys run directly into Milli, and flee behind a corner.)

Geo: Check if she's still there.

Bot: No, you.

Geo: *thinks for a bit* Rock, Paper, Scissors for it?

Bot: Okay.


(Bot chooses scissors while Geo has chosen rock. Geo has won.)

Geo: YES!!

Bot: Nuh-uh. Scissors cuts rock.

Geo: Aw, how do you always win?

(Geo looks out the hallway and is hesitant.)

*nervously* Uh, are you sure about this?

Bot: Come on. I insist. *hands Geo a flashlight*

(Geo then walks down the hall timidly looking for the ghost. As he's walking, he goes by Milli, who has changed her dress to match the wall. She touches Geo.)

Geo: *freaked out* AH!! WHAT WAS THAT?!! *frantically points the flashlight all around*

(As Geo's freaked out, Milli comes out of hiding, grabs her costume from a hat rack, and tiptoes in front of her room. She then stands in front of her flashlight with her megaphone in hand. Cuts back to Geo, who calms down.)

Well, I guess it´s all- *a light shines behind him* -clear?

(He turn around slowly to see Milli´s shadow on the light.)

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! *backs away*

Milli: Hiiiii, Geo. It's dark and scary in the fountain headquarters, just like me stealing your soul. *no answer* Geo?

(camera zooms out to show that he's gone)

Son of a duck. *looks at the screen* What? You didn't think I'd actually curse, did you?

(Meanwhile, Geo runs back to where Bot's hiding.)

Geo: Now what?

Bot: Well, according to my robot computer... *an 8 shows up on the screen* we need to hide in this room. What number is this? *short pause* 8, right!

(camera widens to show numbered doors)

Where's room 8? *the door with the 8 lights up* Right here!

(they go in and hide under the bed)

Safe and sound. Right, Geo? *no answer* Geo?

(the camera widens to show Geo sucking his thumb)

*slowly* Okay..

(whistling is heard)

*whispering* Shh, here she comes!

Milli: Geo and Bot must've gotten into this room. Where are they hiding? *short pause* Oh, yeah! They're right there under the bed!

Bot: Wait, WHAT?!!

Geo: Uh, we're not under the bed!!

Bot: *whispering* GEO!!

Geo: *whispering* Quiet, Bot!

Bot: You be quiet. You already blew our cover.

(At the start of the next line, Milli looms over them and hugs them from behind.)

Geo: Well maybe if you didn't make me nervous, I wouldn't have to- *gets squished* -blab?

(they both notice Milli in costume)

Crazy Hiding


(they hide in the bathroom)

Bot: *whispering* Check outside.

Geo: *whispering* Okay. *opens the door* Is Chilly Milli still here? *short pause* She is? *closes the door* Well, at least she doesn't know we're in here.

(Footsteps are heard again before Geo slowly opens the slot to the door. He sees the "ghost.")

AHH!! *closes the slot*

(Geo's Umi-phone then rings as he takes it out. Sensing that it's the ghost, he turns it around before he picks up.)

*in a high-pitched voice* Hollo!


Geo: No, no door here. Bye!

(He hangs up before hearing banging sounds. Suddenly, Bot grabs Geo inside the bathtub before he hyperventilating.)

Bot: Geo, calm down!


Bot: Geo, relax. *strokes Geo* Everything's gonna be okay.

Geo: How about a little hug?

(Bot hugs Geo)

*relieved* Ahhh. Good thing you're not the ghost.

Bot: Yeah.

(Milli comes in through the wall)


Milli: HUG TIME!!

Geo and Bot: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! *hide under the couch*

Milli: *laughs* Where are you?

Geo: WE'RE NOT UNDER THE SOFA!! *Bot facepalms*

Milli: A-HA!!

(She lifts the sofa up, only to see that they're gone and looks around the room. The camera then cuts to show Geo and Bot in the TV. Bot then notices the cord.)

Bot: I got an idea. *plugs in and turns on the TV*

(Milli notices and comes over)

Geo: Welcome back to the late morning show, with yours truly, Leo. Here's Bob with the weather.

Bot: Thanks Leo. The weather will rise to a high of 84 degrees Fahrenheit at 3:30 p.m today with a 14 mph wind speed and a 90% chance of rain. And then there'll be a beautiful rainbow. *brief pause* Back to you, Leo.

Geo: Thanks Bob. As a reminder, if you want to watch yesterday's baseball game, go to channel 9 because they'll be airing it in 15 seconds.

Milli: Hmm, Channel 9 sure sounds fun. *changes to channel 9*

(The TV changes to show multiple Geos and Bots playing baseball.)

*whispering to the viewer* I honestly can't believe they think that they can fool me. Maybe I should scare them now... *thinks for a moment* Nah. let's have some fun. *changes the channel*

(The TV changes to a rap to show a rap backdrop with rap music playing. Geo then appears, wearing sunglass and a gold chain.)

Geo: My name Jumpin' Geo and I'm here to say that tonight's gone wrong in a *making the cuckoo sign* crazy way!! I saw a ghost in my house and it made me scream, but I ran away. THAT'S RIGHT!! I had to flee. Her name is Chilly Milli and I had to act quick, so I hid in the TV and the channels she flicked. She thought that she would catch me but she doesn't know that I'm not really in a *sees Milli in the TV* music videoooo...


Geo: You were staring at me and being creepy! Wha- *sees that the TV's unplugged* YOU DIDN'T EVEN PLUG IN THE TV!!

Bot: Of course I- *sees Milli holding the cord* -diiid. *record scratches* You unplugged it, did you?

Milli: *nods* And for the record, I just want to say that I love it when you guys argue.

Geo: RUN.

The Chase Continues

(Milli continues chasing Geo and Bot while laughing. Eventually, they hid behind the stairs, but she finds them.)

Milli: HIIIIIII!! *chases Geo and Bot laughing*

Geo and Bot: *running up the stairs* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- *running down the stairs* -HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!


(they get inside)

Where do we go?

Bot: Well, we want to get as far away as we can from her, so we need to push the button with the highest number on it.

(buttons with numbers 1-10 are shown)

Which button has the highest number? *the button with a 10 glows*  Yeah, that one!  It has a ten on it. *presses the button*

Geo: Now we'll be safe on the tenth floor. *Milli clears her throat* What a load of-

(As soon as Geo says the last word, a harmonica is heard. The camera zooms out to show Bot playing it.)

Bot: What? Don't wanna get banned. *puts soap in Geo's mouth*

Geo: *spits out the soap* Whatever. *elevator closes*

Milli: *runs to the stairs* I gotta get to the tenth floor. Count with me. *running up the stairs* 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! We made it!

(the elevator dings before opening)

*looking around* I don't see them anywhere.

(the camera zooms out to show them on the ceiling)

Where's Geo and Bot? *short pause* On the ceiling?

(the boys escape before Milli looks up)

Bot: *running* That was a close one.

Kitchen Calamity

(The boys run down to the kitchen where they barricade the door. Geo hides in a vase full of flowers, while Bot hides as a lamp by standing on one foot. Bot then gets an idea.)

Bot: Bet you can't go 5 seconds without keeping your mouth shut.

Geo: Oh yeah?

(The camera goes back to Milli eavesdropping on them from behind the door. Two lines later, she smirks evilly at the viewer.)

Well, 10 Umi-bucks says that I CAN!!

Bot: Well, 20 says that you CAN'T!!

Geo: YOU'RE ON!!

(The camera cuts back inside the kitchen where Bot places a stopwatch. A picture of it pops up on the screen.)

Bot: Prepare to lose.

Geo: Whatever you say.

(They hide again before Milli comes through the door. The stopwatch on the screen starts counting immediately after.)

Milli: Where are you?

Geo: Uh, not in the flowers!

(The stopwatch buzzes and stops at four seconds as Geo covers his mouth. Milli checks in the vase to see that he's disappeared.)

Milli: *to herself* Where is he?

(She hears something slamming and goes to check it out. The camera cuts to a row of 3 cupboards.)

Cupboards... Geo must be in one of them, which means I'm gonna need your help. Let's go.

(she walks closer to the cupboards to investigate)

Geo! Come out, come out, wherever you are!

(she walks in front of the first cupboard)

*to the viewer* Is Geo in *opens it* HERE?!! *short pause* No. *walks to the second one* Is Geo in *opens it* HERE?!! *short pause* No. *walks to the third one*. Only one cupboard left. *reaches out*

Geo: Uh, I'm not in that one!! *covers his mouth*

Milli: Really? *opens the cupboard and sees Geo* AHA!!


(Geo runs back to the kitchen, closes the door, and jumps on the counter. He then goes where Bot's hiding.)


Geo: It hasn't even been 5 SECONDS?!!

Bot: Yep. I can show you on my stopwatch in my... Bot, Bo Bot-o-mat!

(he pulls out a stopwatch with a 4 on it)

*to the viewer* What number is on this stopwatch? 4, yeah! *to Geo* You only lasted four seconds!


(As soon as Geo curses, Bot censors it out again, this time with an air horn.)

Bot: Unacceptable. *puts soap in Geo's mouth*

Geo: *spits out the soap* I always lose the bet.

Bot: *laughs* Alright, Geo. Pay up.

Geo: *pays Bot 20 Umi-Dollars* At least Chilly Milli isn't here.

(the whistle is heard)

Well, we're still here together. Right, Bot? *no answer* Bot? *sees Milli in costume* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! *runs away*

Melody Mischief

(Geo runs to the music room before getting a call.)

Geo: I’m getting a call! *picks up* Bot! Where are you?

Bot: I’m in my room. How about you?

Geo: Well, I don’t know for sure, but it has a lot of instruments.

Bot: *to the viewer* What room is Geo in? *short pause* The music room!

(the whistling is heard)

Geo: Uh oh. Better hang up. Meet you later. Bye! *hangs up*

(Geo stands in front of Milli’s piano trying to hide. The piano then plays one of it’s keys by itself, scaring Geo.)


(Milli appears behind Geo)

Milli: Did you really think you would get away? *turns invisible* There's nowhere else for you to go.

(the piano starts playing Symphony #5 in C minor)

Give up Geo

There's nowhere to go



You weren't able to escape me anyhow

Because with me, there's no one that can save you now

You'll pay the toll

I'll get you whole

And then I'll steal your soooooooooul

Give up Geo

You have been running from me for a little while

You know that I can really be a little vile

Cause I wanna haunt you, I wanna haunt you, I really, really, really, really, really, really want to

I really really really want to make you scared