Team Umizoomi Headcanon and Fanon Wiki


When Milli’s life is at stake, Geo puts himself in front of danger to protect his sister. Milli is distraught when Geo seemingly is lost and she seeks revenge to defeat the evil who threw Geo. Can Milli slay the beast within herself or will she go to the dark side and actually harm someone?

Part 1[]

Milli: (using her ponytails to whip back a large, black monster) Stay back!

Bot: (fighting a monster as well) There’s too many of them! I’m afraid to say this, but I think this problem is far too big for us to solve!

Milli: You mean? We failed a mission?!

Bot: (grunts) I‘m afraid so........Unless........(Turns to the screen) We have the help from YOU, Umifriend!! Hi! It's us. Team Umizoomi! Quick!! Help us out!!

Geo: (pulls out his sword and swings at the shape beasts) We can’t give up, team! Not when everyone is counting on us! Umifried! Quick!!! Tell me what shape this beast is!! *2 seconds to answer* Circle!! Yes!! (Now he uses his sword in a circle to slice the beast)

Milli: (screams when a shape beast slices her leg and pins her down)

Bot: (thrown into a boulder)

Geo: Milli! Get your paws off my sister, Square beast!

(Geo throws himself on the beast pinning down Mill)

Shape Beast: (howls and tries getting Geo off it’s back. It thrashes around but grabs Geo and slams him down on the ground, his body skidding near the edge of the cliff.)

Geo: (shakily gets up, but the beast swings it’s paw into him and sends him off the edge)

Milli: GEO!

Bot: GEO!

(Bot sparks and blasts the beasts away, Milli covering her face from the bright light.)

Bot: (surprised) Wow, I didn’t know I had that in me!

Milli: Nevermind that! Geo fell off the cliff!

Bot: (lifts Milli up and slides down the cliff.)

(both spot Geo’s body. Rain starts pouring down)

Bot: Oh no, Geo!

Blazey: (barking loudly)

Milli: (rushes to Geo’s body) Geo? Geo are you okay?

Blazey: (whimpering and crying) He's like when Scar killed Mufasa. It was an accident.

(she takes Geo’s helmet off and brushes a bit of his bangs aside. she lays her head against his chest to listen for a heartbeat, but there isn’t one.)

Milli: (she looks at Bot with a saddened expression)

(Bot suddenly gets the message and looks sad)

Milli: Bot?

Bot: Yes Milli...?

Milli: Lets go home...

Bot: Thanks anyway for your help, umifriend. **Suddenly his radar sounds* Listen! I'm picking up a signal. It's my Belly Belly

Milli and Bot: Belly Screen!!! (the screen shows geo)

Geo: Hi guys! I'm OK!! Just that my leg is in pain.

Milli and Bot: It's Geo!!!

Milli: Phew. What a relief. I thought you were gone forever.

Geo: Well, I got thrown all the way to this mushroom and fell, leg first and thankfully landed on my bottom. But please! Help me!!

Bot: We will be right there, Geo. Don't worry. (Screen turns off) We need to rescue Geo, but we can't do it without you.

Milli: Will you come with us to rescue him (Camera shakes yes) Umiriffic!! Team Umizoomi

Milli and Bot: It's time for action!

Bot: We need to do it quick because these shape beast still want to fight. Otherwise we really will fail our mission.

Part 2[]
