Team Umizoomi Headcanon and Fanon Wiki


  1. Elemental Insanity: G.O.B.A.D.S. released 4 elementals into Umi-City! And they're causing elemental mayhem! It's up to Team Umizoomi to bring back the elementals to where they belong!
  2. So Many Lies To Tell: Zigzag drank some juice which in reality was potion created by G.O.B.A.D.S. which forces her to lie, it's up to Team Umizoomi to solve this problem ASAP!
  3. Runaway Rabbids: G.O.B.A.D.S. decided to pull a trick on Umi-City, by placing 100 Rabbids! Team Umizoomi must find a way to take away the rabbids, with the help of dumptruck... they can bring the Rabbids back where they belong!
  4. Honey I shrunk Team Umizoomi: Team Umizoomi is tinier than ever! They explore the wonders of Umi-City, without knowing that G.O.B.A.D.S. is planning to take over the world! Team Umizoomi must return back to mormal!